- 2023-02-02
- 2023-02-01
Taiwan’s beekeeping quality is known as the world’s number one. Everybody’s heard of royal jelly when it comes to bee products, but not queen bee pupa. In the bee society, queen bee is the lord of the kingdom with lifespan 40 times to that of the worker bee and the drone, which is an astronomical number if it is to be calculated in human years. Immediately after birth, queen bee pupae, or princesses, are bathed in royal jelly and fed by tens of thousands of bees with royal jelly under intense frequency for 3 consecutive days in order to become the queen bee that everybody’s familiar with; and queen bee larvae are in fact queen bee pupae mentioned herein. |
不論國內外,蜂王漿對於在美容保健或者青春抗老上面使用的優異效能眾所皆知,而女王蜂子因為自幼蟲體便是吃蜂王漿培育,除此之外,透過現今生物技術所了解,還處在高胺基酸狀態被採收的幼蟲體當中,含有幾丁甲殼素、SOD、維持昆蟲年輕化的青春激素(Juvenilehormon)、賀爾蒙(Chitin)等,因此在美容皮膚或身體保健功能、抗老化上面都將比蜂王漿更勝一籌,在坊間我們也都稱女王蜂子為真正的帝王食物,在我們中國許多的藥方古典裡如本草綱目,神農本草經也早有記載女王蜂子的功效,不僅對美容保建有明顯的幫助,女王蜂子含有動物性高蛋白,對男性的性功能也是極大的有幫助,總體來說女王蜂子可說是蜜蜂對人類的貢獻寫下新的一頁,也是生物技術產品應用,革命性的新發現。 |